Tuesday, August 30, 2011


American Icons

Rosa parks

1. Rosa Parks represent freedom, justice, inspiration, and determination; because she stood up for something that was injustice was when no else would. She inspired many African American people to see what change was all about and through that change a movement was made.

2. The freedom of minority's was important to Rosa Parks, because she feels African Americans should be treated fairly and given the same rights as others.

3. Rosa Parks is important because she inspired the Birmingham Bus Boycott which lead to integrated buses in one of the most segregated cities in America.

4. Rosa Parks is important to me, because she helped change the past so I and all people of color can be treated fairly and have a better life.

5. Rosa Parks inspired many people to stand up for what they believe in or what isn't right. She show people to be the change you want to see in the world, inspired us to all stand up and fight for to make thing right.

6. Does this Icon remind you of anyone you know? if some who?



1. Pocahontas represents caring and help, because when British came to settle in Virgina when winter came it was so cold they couldn't hunter, so they were starving. Pocahontas then convinced her father to help them out.

2. Peace was important to Pocahontas, because so didn't want to shed blood and did what war. She felt that the English were just as important as her people.

3. Pocahontas was one of the first women to play an important role in what became the United States. Her friendship with the English settlers helped ensure the success of Jamestown, which became the first permanent English settlement in America.

4. Pocahontas is important to me because I grow up watching her.

5. Pocahontas inspired peace between all.

6. Why did Pocahontas convince her dad to not kill the English, but she didn't stop he from concurring small Indian tribes?

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